All things are possible

Life is a constant journey of reinventing yourselves. Don’t be afraid, because being who we truly are is a beautiful thing. We choose to be who we want to be. We choose to live how we want to live, and we choose to have the people we have in our lives.


Throughout our lives, we change. So many things change. Some of our friends, our job will most likely change, and we grow and evolve as a person. This is a natural happening. The beautiful thing about growing older and wiser is we grow into ourselves. The person we are meant to be. The big question is, who are we suppose to be?

The person you are meant to be is you! Easy right, but most don’t get it. It’s about being comfortable with and within ourselves. It’s about standing in your truth and being comfortable with that. Our experiences shape us into the beautiful beings we are today. It’s being ourselves without discomfort, hopefully. It’s being confident and secure with who we are and loving it.


Our truth comes from our past, our experiences right up to this very day. Our life has shaped us and we will either like or dislike who we have become and for that reason, we cannot stand in our truth. Your truth is ours, it happened, why to dismiss it. Often I speak with people and they are ashamed of their truth and avoid it altogether. I can understand that, I grew up in an alcoholic home, it’s not who you are it’s an experience that has shaped you and maybe it made you a better person because of it.

Our childhood may not have been a good one. Some of us grew up in abusive homes and we don’t talk about it. We don’t have to tell the world, but you have to tell yourself and acknowledge it. It’s your truth and it will set you free. This shame is not yours to carry, you were a child. Owning, loving, and living in our truth may well be the hardest thing you will do but it will be the greatest gift you give yourself.


The most beautiful part of getting older is we can arrive at a place of, I like who I am. It is only important that I like who I have become. We do not need the approval of others and that will bring you the freedom to be yourself. But if you do not know who you are, if you are not living in your truth, you will be unhappy because you will try to be who you are not. That is unauthentic.

We need to free ourselves from other people’s opinions of who we should be. People give their opinions way to freely these days. But what we must remember is that it is only an opinion. It is not your truth. It’s what they know. It comes from their truth. My truth lives within me and only me. Being who we truly are is a beautiful thing, it will bring you joy.

Be Who You Truly Are, It's Beautiful
Believe In Yourself – Be You


Do you like who you are? When I sit quietly and look at who I am, I like me today. I can say that I am kind, loving, compassionate, generous, funny, caring with a big and good heart. It is not about my looks, my clothes, my home, or the car I drive that makes me a good person. It is not about my job, my friends, or the money I have. If you rely on outside or material things to like who are, it will be an internal battle with your ego and soul, and guess what, your ego will win.


When I started on my journey of self-awareness, I found mentors, spiritual mentors that shared their experiences and gave good advice. They shared where they came from and how they arrived at where they are today. Because I could identify with them, they gave me hope that I too could find peace, self-acceptance, and love for myself. One important thing that each of them mentioned was taking time, time to be with yourself.

When we arrive at Being Who We Truly Are, there is healing and acceptance. Through our life on this earth, the purpose of our journey is to grow into who we were meant to be because we cannot reach our full potential without being who we truly are! That is a powerful statement. To live our purpose, our dreams, our calling, we need to be who we truly are.

Speak your truth and be authentic
Speak Your Truth

Since I was a little girl I knew that I would be a public figure. At five years old I thought I would be a famous Hollywood star, and I wasn’t far off. When I would see guest speakers at conferences I would say I can do that. It was a calling, a feeling inside me that needed to flourish. I have always loved to write, I sit here at my desk for hours writing my blogs and I love it. It is not work to me, it feeds my soul and brings me joy.


I stood in my own way for many years and let other people stand in my way as well. My spirit knew where I was meant to be but my ego told me otherwise. I wasn’t perfect enough to be that successful. I didn’t have enough experience to be on a stage of public speaking. But my voice inside told me the truth. If I didn’t try and try again I would not be here with you. My purpose is to share my experience, my strength, and my hope and how I kept getting up, dusting myself off, and moving forward.


I have come a long way in my life. I have fallen down several times and it brought me close to death. A story I will share with you soon in another blog. I have a mission here and it is to help you Live An Awesome Life. I have reinvented myself several times and it has been amazing. It’s actually fun. I see myself change and become a better, kinder, self-confident person. I feel myself be so much more at peace with who I am and within my soul, what a gift!

If you stay in your heart and listen to your voice, you will be ok. You will grow into who you truly are and you will see it’s a beautiful thing. When you are in a positive mindset and looking for positive, you will attract positive. Set your intentions, to accept and love your truth and you will see that it has made you the incredible being you are today.


Put this on your mirror and read it every day: Own Who You Are, Dare To Be Different, Dare To Be You It’s the biggest gift you will give yourself.

A Lynn Taylor Connection

Lynn Taylor

Lynn believes every being can Live An Awesome Life. Through her experiences and life lessons, she shares how our experiences shape us and how living in our truth allows us to be authentic. Our journey isn't always easy and that just makes us stronger and better. Join Lynn on her journey of spiritual growth, following her dreams and letting go of the fear that stops us.

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