Living Her Truth With Cancer

Living our truth is not always easy especially when you find out that you have stage four cancer. You are 55, you have a son and mother to care for.
I wanted to have an interview with Yolanda because I saw this woman, my friend, pull herself up and dust herself off. She chose to show up and live with her truth, her cancer. She is not ready to go anywhere just yet.
You love her laugh, her warmth, and this positive attitude she has always had. That is what I loved about her when she shared her news about being stage four. She kept smiling in her posts and every now and then she’ll say how the pain was hard to live with at that moment but the very next day she’s back at it, smiling again, lolll
When I was with her before the interview, I hadn’t seen her in 20 years maybe, well she still looks the same, amazingly so! I certainly have more wrinkles. She was walking well. Had these cool braids and gorgeous nails. Not like mine, they were not done. I was embarrassed for God’s sake, that’s one of the professions. She was a smiling cutie patootie.
My blog is about living the best life we can with what we have. With what we have learned. And with what we believe to be our truth. My hope for everyone is that we come to Love Our Truth, show up and live a JOY-filled life. That’s pretty close to perfection!
I don’t want to take anything away from my beautiful guest, so let me introduce you to Yolanda Blom. Click the link below to view the interview.
Thank you for being a part of Lynn Taylor Connection xo
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