Magnesium is a mineral I have been taking for several years now. Being so curious about health and nutrition, I’ve known that this mineral was an important one but not as important as I know it to be today. MAGNESIUM, is your body lacking in this mineral?
There is so much information out there for us to read and study. Research on vitamins, minerals, and nutrition is exploding, with good research to back it up.
Since I was in my thirties I have been interested in nutrition and have studied health and nutrition to get the health benefits my body needs to live a healthy and long life. Now being a certified Mind Body Eating Coach there is so much I want to share with you.
Magnesium is a mineral that has so many benefits and that most people are deficient in. When I heard of the numbers associated with magnesium deficiencies in the population, US figures, I was not surprised. I talk about this mineral all the time because of its benefits and many people do not realize how important it is.
The numbers show that; 68% of people are lacking in Magnesium 40% in Zinc 70% in Folate 90+% in Omega 3’s and these people are feeling awful because they are deficient in these.
Magnesium Deficiency and Symptoms
When you are deficient in magnesium here are some symptoms you may have: Migraines or headaches, insomnia, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, palpitations, PMS, menstrual cramps, sensitivity to loud noises, anxiety, muscle cramps, muscle twitches, fibromyalgia, anal spasms, irritability, irritable bowel syndrome.
Magnesium deficiency is also associated with depression. Magnesium can be better than an anti-depressant for some people. Talk to your doctor about it and if they can’t give you a straight answer find yourself a Functional Medicine Practitioner.
What Magnesium Can Treat
This miracle mineral can help treat high blood pressure. Last year my doctor diagnosed me with high blood pressure. He gave me a prescription and away I went. I took the pills for about three or four days and I did not like the effects of it. I decided to use my knowledge, and research and upped my dose of magnesium, added hawthorn drops and CoQ10, and did a little more exercise. Within a few weeks, I was good. I took my blood pressure regularly to be safe and brought the results to my General Practitioner. Also, I like to get to the cause of my symptoms, high blood pressure for me was a symptom of mineral deficiency.
So let me ask the question again, is your body lacking in magnesium?
Different Types of Magnesium
There are many different types of magnesium out there. And different qualities. Let me break them down for you.
Two types of magnesium that do not absorb well in your body are magnesium carbonate and magnesium oxide.
These types have better absorption and are different in price. Watch for fillers, cheaper is not necessarily better when it comes to our vitamins and minerals.
Magnesium Glycinate is known to be the more calming form and is intended to promote sleep and regulate the nervous system.
Magnesium Citrate is a somewhat standard, lower-cost form. It is good for constipation. It can cause a laxative effect, so beware if you do not have constipation issues. Also good for migraines and those with digestive issues.
Magnesium Glycinate is believed to have a calming effect and is recommended for improving sleep and regulating the nervous system.
Magnesium Bisglycinate is the all-purpose one, good for most people. It does not have a laxative effect. This is beneficial for individuals with digestion issues as it can be absorbed without the need for stomach acid.
Magnesium L-threonate is a newer form of magnesium and is said to deliver magnesium to the brain cells. It promotes cognitive health, focus, and mood. Really good for those with mental health concerns. Great for those prone to mental stress, and anxiety. Can relieve symptoms of migraine headaches, stroke, and Alzheimer’s. (2010 publication in the journal Neuron)
Those with kidney disease need to contact their doctors before using a magnesium supplement.
MICROnutrients and MACROnutrients

These two, micronutrients and macronutrients work together to make our bodies healthy. Micronutrients are our vitamins and minerals and macronutrients are the fats, proteins, and carbohydrates we ingest. Most people don’t realize that there needs to be a sufficient amount to nourish our bodies, cells, muscles, and bones, and if we are lacking in either we may not feel our best.
Our macronutrient intake, fats, proteins, and carbs, need micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals to feed our cells, so if you lack in the micro department, your body will tell you, hence not feeling well or being weight loss resistant or gaining weight. Perhaps you are experiencing difficulty sleeping due to stress or other factors. You may have some of the symptoms we mentioned earlier. A balance in both our food nutrients is a must to feel our best and to properly fuel our bodies. Getting all your required micronutrients might require you to take supplements. Here are a few of the common supplements we might take, vitamin C, vitamin D, a blend of B vitamins, maybe a multivitamin, and vitamin E.
Remember that obesity and malnutrition go together and are usually vitamin and mineral deficient.
Causes of Magnesium Depletion
Lacking magnesium, here are a few big contributors to magnesium depletion and other health issues, smoking, sugar, colas, coffee, alcohol, stress, and refined foods. Also acid blockers like Nexium, Pepcid, and Protonix.
Creating a calm space within yourself is a good start. Read my page on Intentions and Mindfulness for some tips on staying in the present moment. You will also find a guided Mindful Meditation.
Another thing I found helpful was clarification of the RDI on bottles of supplements or in articles. The Recommended Daily Intake is the minimum amount of daily intake so if you feel you are deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, increase your intake.
Foods Rich in Magnesium

It is concerning that our soils have become so depleted of minerals, leading to a deficiency in essential minerals in the foods we consume. No wonder we are lacking magnesium and are deficient in other vitamins and minerals. Buy food with care, organic preferably. You can find magnesium in nuts, seeds, grains, avocados, beans, dark chocolate, and seaweed. Sugar and a refined diet have no magnesium.
One last thing before I go. Did you know that there is a connection between magnesium deficiency and heart disease? Please stay healthy and safe. Check with your Health Practitioner or Functional Medicine Practitioner if you suspect you have health issues. Ask for tests to check your vitamin and supplement levels.
Shall we assess your diet and identify areas where you can make healthy improvements? Send me an email at
Any questions, I am happy to answer them from the comment area.
With love & compassion 🖤 Lynn
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